I have prepared another updated SEO list, which was updated in 2018. In this list you will see 395 social bookmarking sites with PageRank and Alexa Rank data. You can sort it by PR, Alexa Rank or download a whole list, which can be imported in several SEO tools that are available on the market.
Why should I use Social Bookmarking sites? Well social bookmarking sites are not as powerful as they were few years ago but if used properly you can still get some quality backlinks to your money site. I’m using this type of backlink to diversity my link profile which is important to Google right now. Of course I would not recommend you to import this sites in SENuke or any other software and just spam them with your money site – rather point sb links to your backlinks.
If you want to download the whole list to import in any seo software please share it and download URL will appear. Thank you!
Best Social Bookmarking Sites Updated 2016
URL of SB site | Page Rank | Alexa Rank |
https://plus.google.com/ | 9 | 1 |
https://www.pinterest.com/ | 9 | 30 |
https://www.facebook.com/ | 9 | 2 |
https://linkedin.com/ | 9 | 15 |
https://www.xing.com/ | 9 | 1049 |
http://www.reddit.com/ | 8 | 33 |
http://www.stumbleupon.com/ | 8 | 320 |
http://www.examiner.com/ | 8 | 2249 |
https://delicious.com/ | 8 | 2501 |
http://www.citeulike.org/ | 8 | 15187 |
http://friendfeed.com/ | 8 | 29336 |
https://www.google.com/bookmarks/ | 7 | 1 |
http://www.scoop.it/ | 7 | 1031 |
http://slashdot.org/ | 7 | 1791 |
http://digg.com/ | 7 | 1006 |
http://technorati.com/ | 7 | 15811 |
https://www.diigo.com/ | 7 | 2614 |
http://www.fark.com/ | 7 | 3723 |
http://www.newsvine.com/ | 7 | 7048 |
http://www.bibsonomy.org/ | 7 | 5366 |
http://www.scoop.co.nz/ | 7 | 50941 |
http://linkarena.com/ | 7 | 20591 |
http://trueblueodu.com/ | 7 | 1793590 |
http://segnalo.virgilio.it/ | 6 | 1359 |
http://www.folkd.com/ | 6 | 3051 |
http://www.xmarks.com/ | 6 | 9426 |
http://www.dzone.com/ | 6 | 5608 |
http://www.metafilter.com/ | 6 | 3417 |
http://www.pearltrees.com/ | 6 | 6497 |
http://blinklist.com/ | 6 | 17664 |
http://wwwhatsnew.com/ | 6 | 12423 |
http://svejo.net/ | 6 | 92235 |
http://icio.de/ | 6 | 157154 |
http://sitebar.org/ | 6 | 36745 |
http://www.allvoices.com/ | 6 | 78216 |
http://www.myus.com/ | 5 | 6204 |
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/ | 5 | 4080 |
https://www.snapnames.com/ | 5 | 20207 |
http://www.bizsugar.com/ | 5 | 10147 |
http://it.toolbox.com/ | 5 | 32697 |
http://pinboard.in/ | 5 | 26000 |
http://designbump.com/ | 5 | 35112 |
http://www.diggita.it/ | 5 | 33556 |
http://netvouz.com/ | 5 | 36871 |
http://blogmarks.net/ | 5 | 30325 |
http://www.pusha.se/ | 5 | 40899 |
http://www.socialmarker.com/ | 5 | 66475 |
http://kirtsy.com/ | 5 | 73149 |
http://www.searchles.com/ | 5 | 7713248 |
http://dotnetkicks.com/ | 5 | 203663 |
http://killerstartups.com/ | 5 | 43569 |
http://www.popscreen.com/ | 4 | 10546 |
http://blogengage.com/ | 4 | 25305 |
http://www.linkagogo.com/ | 4 | 19304 |
http://givealink.org/ | 4 | 74315 |
http://www.1888pressrelease.com/ | 4 | 27613 |
http://www.a1-webmarks.com/ | 4 | 49862 |
http://myhq.com/ | 4 | 26953 |
http://www.factson37.com/ | 4 | 67748 |
http://www.colivia.de/ | 4 | 50939 |
http://blogospherenews.com/ | 4 | 53456 |
http://shetoldme.com/ | 4 | 77135 |
http://www.registertovotetoday.com/ | 4 | 20337 |
http://www.wirefan.com/ | 4 | 28864 |
http://www.lintas.me/ | 4 | 54140 |
http://www.jodohkita.info/ | 4 | 13129 |
http://ngopost.org/ | 4 | 112005 |
http://linkatopia.com/ | 4 | 85494 |
http://www.linkroll.com/ | 4 | 77916 |
http://clipclip.com/ | 4 | 121223 |
http://haohaoreport.com/ | 4 | 211663 |
http://mx1.webmastershowcase.com.au/ | 4 | 47266 |
http://www.allmyfavorites.net/ | 4 | 109036 |
http://www.panodigg.com/ | 4 | 177387 |
http://www.xinsf.info/ | 4 | 1063352 |
http://www.yjtst.com/ | 4 | 1549927 |
http://www.ejlhw.com/ | 4 | 955257 |
http://spletarna.net/ | 4 | 137842 |
http://www.deepskycolors.com/ | 4 | 361499 |
http://www.freelink.org/ | 4 | 106745 |
http://www.myweb.com/ | 4 | 5610358 |
http://bligg.be/ | 4 | 530385 |
http://www.eyetype.org/ | 4 | 60588 |
http://designmoo.com/ | 4 | 2147683 |
http://www.dealigg.com/ | 3 | 13452 |
http://newsmeback.com/ | 3 | 10870 |
http://url.org/ | 3 | 12067 |
http://www.bookmark4you.com/ | 3 | 11503 |
http://www.yemle.com/ | 3 | 13542 |
http://www.cyberplea.com/ | 3 | 1597693 |
http://magicsubmitter.com/ | 3 | 95481 |
http://cloudytags.com/ | 3 | 33883 |
http://zabox.net/ | 3 | 29899 |
http://felmausa.com/ | 3 | 115277 |
http://canadiancurrent.com/ | 3 | 304211 |
http://www.prbookmarks.com/ | 3 | 45698 |
http://www.mysitevote.com/ | 3 | 30843 |
http://blokube.com/ | 3 | 36120 |
http://www.milocalbuilder.com/ | 3 | 22077 |
http://anndas.com/ | 3 | 144980 |
http://zoomit.ca/ | 3 | 391396 |
http://www.bb3b.com/ | 3 | 18520 |
http://www.dnhour.com/ | 3 | 91070 |
http://www.bmaccess.net/ | 3 | 97741 |
http://www.pr4links.com/ | 3 | 106130 |
http://www.deyerlecabin.com/ | 3 | 754524 |
http://www.yenile.net/ | 3 | 277931 |
http://www.bildu.net/ | 3 | 211013 |
http://www.biolocator.org/ | 3 | 121302 |
http://sitemarks.in/ | 3 | 208147 |
http://www.malaysiastory.com/ | 3 | 312119 |
http://hotel-jarun.info/ | 3 | 347653 |
http://www.abcphp.com/ | 3 | 173554 |
http://www.addictionaire.com/ | 3 | 156319 |
http://design.fr/ | 3 | 115951 |
http://www.linkr.hu/ | 3 | 139163 |
http://www.pulsimo.com/ | 3 | 80048 |
http://billygodbold.com/ | 3 | 687166 |
http://beijingessential.com/ | 3 | 179568 |
http://adviceblogs.com/ | 3 | 158952 |
http://askeet.com/ | 3 | 104480 |
http://indianscoop.net/ | 3 | 169898 |
http://broadscalegroup.com/ | 3 | 209924 |
http://brocandswap.com/ | 3 | 229511 |
http://www.si-news.it/ | 3 | 793620 |
http://www.squidlines.com/ | 3 | 443892 |
http://bronxhigh.com/ | 3 | 6792928 |
http://link-to-results.com/ | 3 | 555419 |
http://wildcatcorner.com/ | 3 | 926094 |
http://cama-online.com/ | 3 | 191418 |
http://www.craftjuice.com/ | 3 | 136737 |
http://www.designfloat.com/ | 3 | 13348 |
http://www.indofeed.com/ | 2 | 26036 |
http://www.openfaves.com/ | 2 | 32809 |
http://www.sitejot.com/ | 2 | 13192 |
http://www.acymca.net/ | 2 | 20433 |
http://www.storeboard.com/ | 2 | 15741 |
http://www.postolia.com/ | 2 | 14047 |
http://blurpalicious.com/ | 2 | 49313 |
http://spider-robot.com/ | 2 | 71690 |
http://adsandclassifieds.com/ | 2 | 32343 |
http://www.startaid.com/ | 2 | 23450 |
http://xuefusports.com/ | 2 | 234538 |
http://business-planet.net/ | 2 | 31964 |
http://www.akonter.com/ | 2 | 13500 |
http://eshoptong.com/ | 2 | 173551 |
http://www.sparktoons.com/ | 2 | 399355 |
http://blogbookmark.com/ | 2 | 45827 |
http://www.diggpedia.com/ | 2 | 197142 |
http://frico-haus.info/ | 2 | 406683 |
http://www.thetogbox.com/ | 2 | 126909 |
http://www.cheerdances.com/ | 2 | 177363 |
http://www.aboogy.com/ | 2 | 61320 |
http://addthismark.com/ | 2 | 15014 |
http://www.fugepind.info/ | 2 | 283808 |
http://affiliated-business.com/ | 2 | 154903 |
http://www.arrisweb.com/ | 2 | 104305 |
http://www.looksgoodonu.com/ | 2 | 1298796 |
http://www.manchfu.com/ | 2 | 137491 |
http://www.jreyscope.com/ | 2 | 39417 |
http://www.etioling.com/ | 2 | 36157 |
http://www.jlegalecon.com/ | 2 | 36322 |
http://www.elenavoce.com/ | 2 | 46941 |
http://www.lydla.com/ | 2 | 148105 |
http://www.bookmark-favoriten.de/ | 2 | 356713 |
http://www.docsome.com/ | 2 | 621752 |
http://www.bukmark.net/ | 2 | 12509246 |
http://www.cmarbles.com/ | 2 | 895820 |
http://lrxam.com/ | 2 | 272484 |
http://www.iwolfpack.com/ | 2 | 1111828 |
http://www.braniewo.net/ | 2 | 125756 |
http://linkmegoszto.domain-tarhely.com/ | 2 | 249046 |
http://www.mytoplist.gen.tr/ | 2 | 308433 |
http://www.augmentedviews.com/ | 2 | 200483 |
http://www.goqwerty.com/ | 2 | 2876408 |
http://blog.my/ | 2 | 719111 |
http://communityradar.com/ | 2 | 1106908 |
http://www.frameyournews.com/ | 2 | 11698447 |
http://govpeeper.com/ | 2 | 632083 |
http://blogsvine.com/ | 2 | 187843 |
http://thealestore.com/ | 2 | 721983 |
http://www.klicknews.com/ | 2 | 145534 |
http://adbookingonline.com/ | 2 | 12192427 |
http://timejoob.com/ | 2 | 172521 |
http://nichegp.com/ | 2 | 801352 |
http://urlsnoop.com/ | 2 | 477124 |
http://sociopost.com/ | 2 | 19651 |
http://www.diggma.com/ | 2 | 1737807 |
http://www.psynet.gr/ | 2 | 526509 |
http://1look4.com/ | 1 | 12891 |
http://sfcsf.org/ | 1 | 21757 |
http://dekut.com/ | 1 | 75283 |
http://www.swapmylink.com/ | 1 | 66111 |
http://bookmarkbay.com/ | 1 | 32615 |
http://www.newsvoting.com/ | 1 | 39883 |
http://www.popzu.com/ | 1 | 48178 |
http://www.storymint.com/ | 1 | 42548 |
http://windowly.com/ | 1 | 59732 |
http://mettablog.com/ | 1 | 46418 |
http://www.votetags.info/ | 1 | 80553 |
http://www.bookmarkgroups.com/ | 1 | 89279 |
http://klitschkoblog.com/ | 1 | 726070 |
http://www.pqrnews.com/ | 1 | 64954 |
http://bookmarktou.com/ | 1 | 37191 |
http://www.whotours.com/ | 1 | 347519 |
http://shinymarker.com/ | 1 | 189010 |
http://www.ewebmarks.com/ | 1 | 99972 |
http://www.blogstal.com/ | 1 | 238923 |
http://www.zbookmarking.com/ | 1 | 539268 |
http://www.trompyx.com/ | 1 | 865995 |
http://www.bookmarkwiki.com/ | 1 | 92628 |
http://www.newsciti.com/ | 1 | 86752 |
http://www.subbmitt.com/ | 1 | 130721 |
http://www.scrapees.com/ | 1 | 6315768 |
http://www.openwebmarks.com/ | 1 | 100298 |
http://coolpot.com/ | 1 | 29088 |
http://www.socialwebmarks.com/ | 1 | 149841 |
http://www.mediasitedirectory.com/ | 1 | 12212588 |
http://www.activebookmarks.com/ | 1 | 105178 |
http://www.ecoledu.com/ | 1 | 6261396 |
http://cenq.com/ | 1 | 125886 |
http://www.bookmarks2u.com/ | 1 | 108153 |
http://pagesocial.com/ | 1 | 153928 |
http://pligg.in/ | 1 | 41662 |
http://ipopu.com/ | 1 | 170745 |
http://www.seo4bookmarks.com/ | 1 | 118614 |
http://www.livewebmarks.com/ | 1 | 185032 |
http://www.linkzroll.info/ | 1 | 78950 |
http://www.seosubmitbookmark.com/ | 1 | 137559 |
http://www.peoplebookmarks.com/ | 1 | 142635 |
http://www.seobookmarkingsites.com/ | 1 | 155714 |
http://www.webdevunlimited.com/ | 1 | 444299 |
http://www.wedigg.co.uk/ | 1 | 73947 |
http://www.socialbookmarkzone.info/ | 1 | 79745 |
http://medical-articles.net/ | 1 | 217885 |
http://www.socialbookmarkden.com/ | 1 | 211717 |
http://www.unibookmarks.com/ | 1 | 814492 |
http://www.heritageweb.net/ | 1 | 404336 |
http://backlinkstate.com/ | 1 | 200282 |
http://www.bookmarkmaps.com/ | 1 | 166951 |
http://www.xbangkok.com/ | 1 | 312714 |
http://c77c.net/ | 1 | 986087 |
http://www.namama.net/ | 1 | 1368955 |
http://www.bookmarkfeeds.com/ | 1 | 167033 |
http://www.freesbmblog.info/ | 1 | 102513 |
http://www.greateststory.info/ | 1 | 99777 |
http://www.dealshouter.com/ | 1 | 325798 |
http://www.academyig.com/ | 1 | 1704552 |
http://www.forexbrokersmetatrader.com/ | 1 | 196178 |
http://www.socialbookmarknow.info/ | 1 | 104500 |
http://rm07.com/ | 1 | 810792 |
http://www.bookmarkinghost.info/ | 1 | 102413 |
http://www.followmenow.info/ | 1 | 110212 |
http://bookmarkbird.com/ | 1 | 3876394 |
http://www.digg-digg.com/ | 1 | 325893 |
http://www.myandroidcare.com/ | 1 | 879598 |
http://addblogurl.com/ | 1 | 1328115 |
http://www.money-central.net/ | 1 | 558040 |
http://www.bendiceme.com/ | 1 | 535315 |
http://www.easymash.com/ | 1 | 5289833 |
http://peacepig.com/ | 1 | 1816184 |
http://www.worthbookmarking.com/ | 1 | 95817 |
http://xmaui.com/ | 1 | 1248932 |
http://nfwdc.com/ | 1 | 2082385 |
http://newstoinbox.com/ | 1 | 2195678 |
http://www.whitneysegura.com/ | 1 | 546734 |
http://shiftlogic.org/ | 1 | 1052949 |
http://dealitem.com/ | 1 | 111372 |
http://alplist.com/ | 0 | 67317 |
http://www.popjq.com/ | 0 | 857051 |
http://www.bookmarkingbiz.info/ | 0 | 200781 |
http://www.999central.com/ | 0 | 361361 |
http://www.auwiz.com/ | 0 | 1396063 |
http://www.latincrossword.com/ | 0 | 1914980 |
http://www.goardian.com/ | 0 | 468747 |
http://buzzingtopics.com/ | 0 | 91131 |
http://pfbuzz.com/ | 0 | 291296 |
http://bookmark4seo.com/ | 0 | 56596 |
http://www.bd24radio.com/ | 0 | 12205390 |
http://www.sharetextlink.com/ | 0 | 1700340 |
http://bd24radio.com/ | 0 | 12205390 |
http://www.placelinks.info/ | 0 | 400856 |
http://www.kannikar.com/ | 0 | 108498 |
http://www.bllig.com/ | 0 | 1297715 |
http://bookmarkitnow.com/ | 0 | 87240 |
http://www.aneasylink.info/ | 0 | 235046 |
http://www.extrabookmark.com/ | 0 | 1875225 |
http://www.backlinknow.info/ | 0 | 185669 |
http://www.allbookmark.com/ | 0 | 868221 |
http://www.easyelinks.info/ | 0 | 219038 |
http://www.getstre.am/ | 0 | 1161865 |
http://www.bookmarkshq.com/ | 0 | 1222035 |
http://www.steambeta.com/ | 0 | 3151460 |
http://www.akhrimanzil.com/ | 0 | 2815481 |
http://2bukmark.com/ | 0 | 1812362 |
http://www.dmlm.org/ | 0 | 3800345 |
http://www.omega-intercept.com/ | 0 | 2063490 |
http://www.4bub.com/ | 0 | 1299675 |
http://www.webbacklinkz.info/ | 0 | 10165621 |
http://www.softbookmark.info/ | 0 | 206879 |
http://digforlink.com/ | 0 | 1367802 |
http://www.createabookmark.info/ | 0 | 1286300 |
http://www.backlinkslive.info/ | 0 | 3668016 |
http://www.skyseobookmarks.com/ | 0 | 1324275 |
http://www.liveurlinks.info/ | 0 | 231005 |
http://www.bookmarkexplore.com/ | 0 | 1405025 |
http://www.topnewslinks.info/ | 0 | 2144210 |
http://www.linkslist.info/ | 0 | 215983 |
http://www.recyclespot.net/ | 0 | 1958324 |
http://www.onlinbookmark.info/ | 0 | 251699 |
http://www.efrum.com/ | 0 | 889230 |
http://www.scse.biz/ | 0 | 1101077 |
http://www.similarbookmark.com/ | 0 | 1967053 |
http://luislauro.us/ | 0 | 2068788 |
http://www.marklinks.info/ | 0 | 181798 |
http://www.bookmarkslice.com/ | 0 | 1607436 |
http://www.bookmarkbuild.com/ | 0 | 599138 |
http://www.socialwebsubmitter.com/ | 0 | 78942 |
http://www.bookmarkingsearch.com/ | 0 | 411575 |
http://www.gratissubmit.com/ | 0 | 1845385 |
http://www.diggbook.com/ | 0 | 157671 |
http://www.tempatsubmit.com/ | 0 | 2009105 |
http://www.seezlinking.biz/ | 0 | 1599329 |
http://www.analyzebookmarks.com/ | 0 | 181810 |
http://www.noconcept.me/ | 0 | 1777833 |
http://www.termlinking.biz/ | 0 | 2598516 |
http://www.indexmarks.com/ | 0 | 718304 |
http://www.reviewyoursite.co.uk/ | 0 | 179196 |
http://www.backlinkleader.com/ | 0 | 90900 |
http://www.publishpay.com/ | 0 | 1907581 |
http://www.wstoolz.com/ | 0 | 1538532 |
http://www.nascarjon.us/ | 0 | 387907 |
http://www.swiftbookmarks.com/ | 0 | 356548 |
http://urlsuggest.com/ | 0 | 54929 |
http://www.justpep.com/ | 0 | 44470 |
http://www.bookmarkingconnect.com/ | 0 | 495328 |
http://againlinks.com/ | 0 | 645913 |
http://www.networkbookmarks.com/ | 0 | 3657131 |
http://www.book-marky.de/ | 0 | 981849 |
http://www.bookmarkdesk.info/ | 0 | 112774 |
http://www.bookmarks.wedigg.co.uk/ | 0 | 73947 |
http://www.urlscores.com/ | 0 | 211180 |
http://www.bloooogle.com/ | 0 | 276400 |
http://drikdir.com/ | 0 | 209557 |
http://www.bookmarksfinder.com/ | 0 | 1789193 |
http://motorut.com/ | 0 | 2407652 |
http://www.diwwe.com/ | 0 | 2460172 |
http://www.gamesbookmark.com/ | 0 | 2720038 |
http://www.dreamfocused.com/ | 0 | 1855300 |
http://www.blogtack.com/ | 0 | 1610529 |
http://www.bookmarkscoop.com/ | 0 | 1667073 |
http://moretreat.com/ | 0 | 96175 |
http://www.socialbookmarkiseasy.info/ | 0 | 123831 |
http://www.emusar.org/ | 0 | 1471846 |
http://www.sixhe.com/ | 0 | 2941125 |
http://www.bookmarkcart.com/ | 0 | 158191 |
http://www.bookmarkdiary.com/ | 0 | 142891 |
http://www.multibookmarks.com/ | 0 | 2280744 |
http://www.bookmarkcast.com/ | 0 | 368041 |
http://www.bookmarkcart.info/ | 0 | 164916 |
http://www.extractbookmarks.info/ | 0 | 1492320 |
http://www.bookmarktagspot.com/ | 0 | 1734977 |
http://www.webinnews.com/ | 0 | 94159 |
http://www.bookmarkdiary.info/ | 0 | 166611 |
http://www.bookmarkwhirl.com/ | 0 | 245816 |
http://www.bookmarktheme.com/ | 0 | 274743 |
http://www.bookmarkmaps.info/ | 0 | 293824 |
http://www.bookmarkdeal.com/ | 0 | 282101 |
http://www.featuredbookmarks.com/ | 0 | 1223522 |
http://www.promotebookmarks.com/ | 0 | 134107 |
http://speedfed.com/ | 0 | 148315 |
http://linkvote.com/ | 0 | 438160 |
http://www.bookmarkingbiz.com/ | 0 | 299611 |
http://www.hotbookmarking.com/ | 0 | 290078 |
http://www.socbookmarking.com/ | 0 | 232120 |
http://www.enrollbookmarks.com/ | 0 | 1905341 |
http://www.bookmarkinghost.com/ | 0 | 394319 |
http://www.bsocialbookmarking.info/ | 0 | 349192 |
http://www.bookmarkfollow.com/ | 0 | 353044 |
http://www.bookmarkrally.info/ | 0 | 226750 |
http://ioch.org/ | 0 | 1909161 |
http://www.bookmarkbid.info/ | 0 | 349480 |
http://www.bookmarkinbox.info/ | 0 | 555802 |
http://www.spicybookmark.info/ | 0 | 1269223 |
http://bookmarkone.info/ | 0 | 1022375 |
http://www.url2bookmark.com/ | 0 | 1440239 |
http://www.weekbase.com/ | 0 | 991093 |
http://www.ashbookmarks.com/ | 0 | 947509 |
http://www.zippe.net/ | 0 | 624051 |
http://www.ohter.com/ | 0 | 334614 |
http://quickdigg.com/ | 0 | 286757 |
http://www.superzh.com/ | 0 | 1273904 |
http://tinyblogs.net/ | 0 | 96392 |
http://www.keplaza.com/ | 0 | 946467 |
http://www.bookmarkmovers.com/ | 0 | 837138 |